DISCLAIMER: The information on this web site is intended as information only. It is in no way intended to substitute, override, or in any way interfere with the guidance provided by your physician. The information is what has been gathered from many sources, and our own experience in dealing with this disease. What may work for one person can be devastating for another. Seek guidance and help from your doctor in trying anything new. If you have a "closed minded" doctor then you should seek a doctor willing to listen to you and help you. But above all, have a doctor.
I want to provide usefull information that has been gathered from many sources concerning Fibromyalgia and the many time additional Myofacial Pain Syndrome. Hopefully there will be many links to additional valuable information in the near future. Also I have a guestbook where you can briefly give an introduction and a method of contact where we can learn together and ultimately help each other. Although the main intent of this web page and the associated email chat (FibroSpouse eGroup) is to provide a forum for spouses and or loved ones of Fibromyalgia sufferers to seek information, help, and possibly just a place to vent frustration. Others who are sympathetic to the cause are encuraged to join also.